- Group Formation, Savings and Income Generating Programmes.
- Community health care (preventive and curative) and natural family planning programs.
- Maternal and Child Health Development Programme
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme.
- Climate Change Risk Mitigation Program
- Safe Water and Sanitation Programme.
- Education programs, especially adult child education
- Training, seminars, and workshops.
- Gender Relations and Development Programme.
- Integrated Agriculture Programme (Social Forestry, Safe Vegetable Gardening, and Nutrition Education Monitoring Programme)
- Observance of international and national days.
- Prevention of disability development programs.
- Protection of human rights of all backward communities
- Prevention of sexual exploitation, sexual torture, eviction, child marriage, trafficking of women and children.
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Landless People
- Marginal farmers
- Disadvantaged distressed women, men, Youths and Children
- Disadvantaged disabled, transgender, Cisgender tribal, and Dalit.
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